Trenbolone 100


Brand: Dragon Pharma
Product Code: 710
Package: 10 vial (100mg/ml)
Stof: Trenbolone Acetate
Availability: In Stock

SKU: 710 Category:


Trenbolone 100 from Dragon Pharma in USA

One of the best injectable steroids available in our store for building muscle mass is Trenbolone 100 from the pharmaceutical company Dragon Pharma. For several years, Trenbolone Acetate has proven its efficacy and safety and has received many positive reviews for its powerful effects on bodybuilding.

Trenbolone Acetate Effects

It is exclusively recommended for use by men, ideally for those who have some experience using steroids. With proper use, it allows you to dry out your muscles in a short time and increase your strength indicators. Positive effects include:

  • The ability to burn excess body fat
  • Low rate of negative effects on liver cells and tissues
  • Lack of aromatization
  • The ability to increase libido

After the cycle, the definition and stiffness of the muscles increases, performance and endurance increase. These properties allow it to be used in a variety of disciplines, from weightlifting to triathlons. Thanks to them, the drug has gained quite a bit of popularity in USA and around the world. Therefore, not only professionals, but also amateurs buy trenbolone acetate.

How to perform trenbolone acetate injections

Since this is a powerful anabolic steroid, all professional or amateur athletes should be aware that the steroid should be used according to recommended directions. During the cycle, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules.

Trenbolone acetate should be injected intramuscularly at a rate of 50mg to 100mg every other day. This is because its effect only lasts up to 3 days.To achieve effective results in muscle growth and drying with a simultaneous increase in strength indicators, 6-8 weeks of use is enough. Later use will be impractical.

It is necessary to understand that during the cycle, Trenbolone Acetate has an overwhelming effect on the production of testosterone. Therefore, after the end of the injections, post cycle therapy should be carried out without fail. It will help avoid unnecessary consequences and consolidate the results obtained from the cycle. It is best to use Tamoxifen or Clomid for PCT. If necessary, you can supplement it with vitamins (E, A) and minerals (zinc).

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