HCG 5000IU


Brand: Bharat Serums
Product Code: 613
Package: 1 bottle of 5000IU
Stof: HCG
Availability: In Stock

SKU: 613 Category:


Medical Description Solution huileuse transparent. HCG 5000 IU Composition 1 ml of solution containing: Substance active: Gonadotrophine Chorionique Humaine Advantages of bodybuilding An important compound used by athletes and bodybuilders in cycles and post-cycle therapy to lose fat and increase testosterone production. It is couramment pris at the end of a cycle of anabolic androgen steroids to prevent the degradation of muscle tissue. Medically, it is also used in the course of a reliable regimen in calories to pour aider to bruler cette couche supplémentaire de graisse sur les muscles. Indication therapy (USA) Essentially, the composition represents a hormone produced by the growth of the placenta in development after conception, and later by the component placentaire syncytiotrophoblaste. HCG is used to cause ovulation and to cause infertility in women, and to augment the name of spermatozoids in men. HCG is also used by young men who have testicles that are not torn from the scrotum normally. Dosage (Men) 500 – 1000iu weekly check Dosage (Femmes) 500 – 1000iu weekly check fri active 2-3 days HCG 5000 IU Secondary Effects Maux de tête, sensation d'agitation ou d'irritabilité, légère enflure ou augmentation du poids de l'eau, depression, sensibilité des seins ou enflure, Douleur, gonflement, douleur pelvienne sévère in USA, gonflement des mains ou des jambes, douleur et gonflement de l'estomac, essoufflement, prize de poids, diarrhée, nausees ou vomissements. HCG 5000 IU Contre-indications / Mesures de précaution Premature puberty, prostatic carcinoma or other androgen-dependent neoplasm, previous allergic reaction to HCG. Surdosage I have not registered any surdosage. HCG 5000 IU Stack / Cycle Est used dans la thérapie post-cycle pendant 2-3 weeks with a dose of 250 – 500iu every day, with Clomid or Nolvaxyl. Presentation of the package 5000 iu/flacon stockage To preserve dans un endroit sec in USA, à l'abri de la lumière, à une température de 15-25 ° C. Have hors de la portée des enfants.

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